General aspects of electrification
Solar photovoltaic
Photovoltaic solar electrification
Existing project financing and ideal min
Where is it worth, distances, sizes
Sustainability repurchase or increase in eq.
Satellite with solar electrification
Foto: NASA
Within the solar panels, we find photovoltaic solar energy, which is that which is obtained by converting sunlight into electricity, using a technology based on the photoelectric effect.
It is a type of renewable, inexhaustible and non-polluting energy that can be produced in facilities ranging from small generators for self-consumption to large photovoltaic plants.
How solar photovoltaic electrification works?
How solar photovoltaic electrification works?
Sistemas solares eléctricos independientes y inyección GRID (red eléctrica). Respaldo y protección de equipos médicos y de computación, radio comunicación, cercas eléctricas, cogeneracíon junto con generadores electro- térmicos, aire condicionados, etc.
The advantages of this energy are the following:
It is a type of renewable, inexhaustible and non-polluting energy, so it contributes to sustainable development.
It is a particularly suitable system for rural or isolated areas where the power line does not reach or its installation is difficult or expensive, or for geographical areas whose climate allows many hours of sunshine per year.
It is modular, so it can be built from huge photovoltaic plants on the ground to small panels for roofs.
The profitability, the absence of polluting emissions and the inexhaustible nature of photovoltaic energy make it, beyond any doubt, the energy source of the future.
Sistemas de bombas de agua fotovoltaicos que no requiren baterias entonces el retorno de la inversion es muy rapido. Estos Sistemas funcionan totalmente automatico.
But we still have to ensure that the design of photovoltaic installations, their materials and installation processes have a minimal impact on the natural environment. The sustainability of these facilities is not a new issue. In fact, concern about the impact on the environment has fueled an important part of the R&D efforts of manufacturers in the sector around the world in recent years.