Adventure in Ecuador
Adventure in Ecuador
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Adventure Tourism in Ecuador

Paragliding, Canopy, Rapel, can be done at the coast, for example on the Santa Elena peninsula.

These sports are carried out in the mountains, for example in Baños de Agua Santa, Mindo, in Pimampiro, in the surroundings of the Cotopaxi National Park and the Chimborazo Reserve.

Canyoning, rafting and kayaking can be practiced in most of the rivers that descend from the mountains, for example in Arajuno and Paitua in the Pastaza province.
Climbing the Volcanoes

The most visited volcanoes are Cotopaxi, Las Ilinizas, Chimborazo. If you do not want to climb to the summits, it is worth visiting the shelters. The Pichincha can be reached by cable car.

There are different routes on the coast, one is the road that connects the coastal cities of Canoa, Bahía de Caráquez and Puerto López.

Most national parks have very distinguished routes for Mountain Bikes.

Many routes are offered in the Amazon region, for example from Papallacta through Baeza and Tena to Puyo. Planning this route, you can visit waterfalls and communities.
Amazon Pastaza River Adventure - Amazonas Fluss Pastaza - Amazonia río Pastaza
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