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Tourism in Esmeraldas
Tourism in Esmeraldas
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The province of Esmeraldas has 7 cantons with 430,000 inhabitants, 210,000 urban and 220,000 rural. The city of Esmeraldas has 130,000 and the canton 180,000 inhabitants.

The Esmeraldas province has an area of 15,573.4 square kilometers.

Esmeraldas is also known as the "Green Province of Ecuador".

The maritime port of Esmeraldas is important for the north of the country.

The main economic activities are fishing, agricultural production and tourism in the province.

La playa de Cauchal, Cantón San Lorenzo
Tourism in the Esmeraldas Province
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In Atacames we recommend:

  • The city of Esmeraldas is the capital of the "Verde Esmeraldas Province". The city of Esmeraldas has an important maritime port and a small beach (within the city).

  • The famous beaches of Atacames, Súa, Tonsupa, Same and Tonchigue are found by bus 45 minutes from Esmeraldas.
Consejo Provincial de Esmeraldas
Teléfono: (593) 06-

Cámara de Turismo de Esmeraldas
Teléfono: (593) 06-

Municipio de Esmeraldas
Teléfono: (593) 06- 2727340, 2726052

  • Muisne beach is not as famous as the Atacames or Súa beaches, but it is much calmer. From Esmeraldas it takes an hour and a half by bus, passing through Atacames. Muisne is on an island, you have to use a boat to get there. In Muisne there are no cars: the taxis are rickshaws.

San Lorenzo
  • San Lorenzo is 5 hours away by bus from Quito (passing through Ibarra), the same time is needed from Esmeraldas. The port of San Lorenzo is the point of shipment to Tumaco in Colombia. The Ibarra - San Lorenzo highway is new and in good condition.

Eloy Alfaro
  • Valdez or better known as Limones is the capital of the Eloy Alfaro canton. Liomones is on an island within the mangrove swamp in the north of Bourbon. Limones can be reached by boat from Borbón or from San Lorenzo.

Río Verde
  • The Río Verde canton is in the north of Esmeraldas, at a distance of two hours by bus from Esmeraldas.

  • Quinindé (or also Rosa Zárate) is in the south of Esmeraldas, halfway between Santo Domingo and Esmeraldas.
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  • The town of Cauchal is located on an island inside the Mangrove Swamp in the Cayapas Mataje Mangrove Ecological Reserve. Cauchal beach is beautiful and lonely. By boat (small boat) it takes an hour and a half from San Lorenzo.

Las Peñas
  • Las Peñas beach is not as famous as the Atacames or Súa beaches, but it is much quieter and cheaper. From Esmeraldas it takes two and a half hours by bus, passing through San Mateo, Camarones and Río Verde. From San Lorenzo it takes two and a half hours by bus, going through Borbón.

La Tola, Isla La Tolita
  • Beyond Las Peñas is La Tola, a small town, from where you can embark to visit La Tolita Island, famous for its Archaeological Park.

  • Borbón is one hour by bus from San Lorenzo and 3 hours by bus from Esmeraldas.

Playa de Oro
  • The Playa de Oro community is located on the Santiago River an hour and a half by canoe from Maldonado.

Reserva Ecológica Cayambe Coca
  • The Cayambe Coca Ecological Reserve is accessible from the city of Cayambe. The Reserve has a surface area of 403,103 ha including the Navado Cayambe.

Reserva Ecológica Cotacachi Cayapas
  • The Cotacachi Cayapas Ecological Reserve is accessible from the city of Cotacachi. The Reserve has a surface area of 204,420 ha.
Sun Palace Hotel
ATACAMES, lado sur
CALLE PRIMERA, frente a la playa
Teléfono: +593 - (0)3 - 2810954 / -(0)9 - 6106962
Hotel Sun Palace Atacames
Sun Palace Hotel Atacames
Sun Palace Hotel Atacames